Hi Harald,

On Thu, 2018-03-15 at 09:30 +0100, Harald Barth wrote:
> Is there really no way to make kinit have "renewable" as default (like
> "forwardable" in [libdefaults] in /etc/krb5.conf)?
> If no, is there any good reason for it?

We have:

        renew_lifetime = 30d

in krb5.conf and tickets are renewable for 30 days by default here. Doesn't
that work for you?

| Andreas Haupt            | E-Mail: andreas.ha...@desy.de
|  DESY Zeuthen            | WWW:    http://www-zeuthen.desy.de/~ahaupt
|  Platanenallee 6         | Phone:  +49/33762/7-7359
|  D-15738 Zeuthen         | Fax:    +49/33762/7-7216

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