
So I've just put the finishing touches on a public AWS EC2 server image that folks can use to bootstrap a demo Heka setup to play around with. The official AMI ID is ami-c6bdd3f6, but the name is "Heka Demo" and, as of right now anyway, if you search through the public APIs using the string "heka" it's the only thing that shows up.

This image comes preconfigured with Heka, Nginx, ElasticSearch, and Kibana, all wired up to play nicely together. It's on top of an RHEL 6.4 base. Here are some relevant details:

* I manually installed a handful of the needed pieces, the RPMs and/or tarballs I used for the installation are on the image in the ~ec2-user/downloads directory.

* Heka itself is installed by RPM, but it's installed using an RPM that was built on the image itself, from the latest (as of right now) code from the versions/0.5 branch. The code is checked out into ~ec2-user/heka. Updating in the future should be pretty straightforward, you'd cd into the heka folder, run "source build.sh" and then "make package" to generate a new RPM.

* Config is in /etc/heka/hekad.toml, and there is a working init script at /etc/init.d/hekad. These files are not managed by the RPM, so it's safe to use "yum erase heka" to uninstall the RPM if needed w/o wiping out any custom config you might add.

* It's set up to parse the nginx logs living in /var/log/nginx and send those into ES.

* Kibana is served up by nginx at the /kibana path (so "http://<hostname>/kibana" will get you there. It's completely vanilla, there aren't any custom dashboards, but you can see the results of the nginx log parsing on the "basic dashboard" that they provide.

* IMPORTANT: Kibana is hosted on the box, but it is a pure javascript client application that runs entirely in the browser. This means that THE MACHINE RUNNING THE BROWSER NEEDS DIRECT ACCESS TO ELASTICSEARCH ON PORT 9200. By default most EC2 instances only allow access to port 22 for ssh and port 80 for http. For Kibana to work you'll need to either put your instance in a security group that allows direct access to port 9200, or open an ssh tunnel from localhost:9200 to the instance's port 9200 and edit the /usr/share/nginx/html/kibana/config.js file's 'elasticsearch' setting to use 'http://localhost:9200'.

Please come visit us in the #heka channel on freenode or irc.mozilla.org if you have questions or want any help getting started or tweaking the configuration for your own needs.

Have fun!

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