Hi all,

I'm toying with the idea of having an informal Heka gathering at the Mozilla office in downtown SF some time soon. It would be loosely structured and project-y, as opposed to being a formal presentation with slides. I'd like to give people who are using Heka a chance to connect and compare notes, to give people who are thinking about using Heka a chance to ask questions and see it in action, and to give anyone who has a specific problem they're trying to solve a chance to get hands on support and guidance from myself and/or others in the community. It'd be a "bring your laptops" Heka user hack session, with content driven by who shows up and what they want to learn.

I don't want to throw a party and end up sitting all by my lonesome, though, so I'm sending this email to see if there's enough interest to make it worthwhile. If you'd be interested in coming to such an event, please send me an email (no need to cc: the list) and let me know. If enough folks respond then I'll put something together and will send out an announcement.


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