Hi all,

Im very new to hekad and want to know a little more about inputs mapping to
their outputs. Below is my config file, which is working with a statsd
input, I send a UDP packet to localhost:8125 and I can see the series being
created in influxdb.

I am on version 0.9.2

[hekad] maxprocs = 2 [statsd_input] type = "StatsdInput" stat_accum_name =
"stat_accumulator" address = ":8125" [stat_accumulator] type =
"StatAccumInput" ticker_interval = 30 emit_in_fields = true [stat_graph]
type = "SandboxFilter" filename = "lua_filters/stat_graph.lua"
ticker_interval = 30 preserve_data = true message_matcher = "Type ==
'heka.statmetric'" [stat_graph.config] num_rows = 300 secs_per_row = 1
stats = "stats.counters.000000.count stats.counters.000001.count
stats.counters.000002.count" stat_labels = "counter_0 counter_1 counter_2"
preservation_version = 0 [DashboardOutput] ticker_interval = 30
[statmetric_influx_encoder] type = "SandboxEncoder" filename =
"lua_encoders/statmetric_influx.lua" [influx] type = "HttpOutput"
message_matcher = "Type == 'heka.statmetric'" address = ""; encoder =
"statmetric_influx_encoder" username = "testdatabaseuser" password = "-my

I would like to add a new statsd input but this time output to a different
database in influxdb. Can someone please guide me on how I can do this?

Also with the process input plugin. Is it possible to forward this output
to a influxdb database?

Thanks in advance!
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