Use a fully qualified path for log_directory.  I opened an issue


On Thu, Apr 23, 2015 at 11:12 AM, Amit Kumar <> wrote:

> Hello Team,
> I am new to Heka and am trying to learn what it has to offer for my data
> collection need. It appears to me that Heka will be a great fit for my
> project on data collection.
> I am trying the very basic example (after installing Heka on Mac from the
> binary download).
> Here is what I am trying as suggested by the documentation at
> The question I have is - Why do not I see the content of auth.log on my
> console ?
> I have cleared all logstream cache and also tried to append content to the
> auth.log while Heka is running. Am I missing something ?
> bash-3.2$ cat configs/test.toml
> [hekad]
> base_dir = "./cache/hekad"
> [LogstreamerInput]
> log_directory = "."
> file_match = 'auth\.log'
> [PayloadEncoder]
> append_newlines = false
> [LogOutput]
> message_matcher = "TRUE"
> encoder = "PayloadEncoder"
> bash-3.2$ cat auth.log
> one
> two
> three
> bash-3.2$ hekad -config=configs/test.toml
> 2015/04/23 14:06:42 Pre-loading: [LogstreamerInput]
> 2015/04/23 14:06:42 Pre-loading: [PayloadEncoder]
> 2015/04/23 14:06:42 Pre-loading: [LogOutput]
> 2015/04/23 14:06:42 Pre-loading: [TokenSplitter]
> 2015/04/23 14:06:42 Loading: [TokenSplitter]
> 2015/04/23 14:06:42 Pre-loading: [HekaFramingSplitter]
> 2015/04/23 14:06:42 Loading: [HekaFramingSplitter]
> 2015/04/23 14:06:42 Pre-loading: [NullSplitter]
> 2015/04/23 14:06:42 Loading: [NullSplitter]
> 2015/04/23 14:06:42 Pre-loading: [ProtobufDecoder]
> 2015/04/23 14:06:42 Loading: [ProtobufDecoder]
> 2015/04/23 14:06:42 Pre-loading: [ProtobufEncoder]
> 2015/04/23 14:06:42 Loading: [ProtobufEncoder]
> 2015/04/23 14:06:42 Loading: [PayloadEncoder]
> 2015/04/23 14:06:42 Loading: [LogstreamerInput]
> 2015/04/23 14:06:42 Loading: [LogOutput]
> 2015/04/23 14:06:42 Starting hekad...
> 2015/04/23 14:06:42 Output started: LogOutput
> 2015/04/23 14:06:42 MessageRouter started.
> 2015/04/23 14:06:42 Input started: LogstreamerInput
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