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On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 3:42 AM, Alex Jiao <> wrote:

> Hi, I'm writing an S3 output plugin for heka. As I am new to golang and
> heka, I'm not too sure what's the best way to go about writing the plugin.
> Hence I wish to seek you guys' help to resolve some issues that are
> plaguing my code.
> heka-s3 plugin code:
> My plugin needs to send message packs from the pipeline at regular
> intervals as specified in the .toml file. It writes to a buffer during each
> interval and upload to a S3 bucket at the next tick. The interval is
> specified by the 'ticker_interval' option. However, I'm not too sure
> whether you need to take care of the ticker logic in the for loop or that
> the output Run function will be invoked at the specified ticker interval by
> Heka service itself.
> I have implemented the first case as seen in my code and it led to a weird
> issue. The plugin can be loaded upon starting the Heka service, however the
> ticker can only run once after the elapsed time interval. It's only after I
> sent a TERM signal to the Heka process using kill (kill <heka-pid>), that
> the ticker starts to work.
> Could you guys shed light on resolving this issue? Why does the ticker not
> work upon starting the plugin? Does the programmer have to take care of the
> ticker logic or the output runner will automatically be invoked at regular
> intervals by the Heka service? I'd appreciate it as well if you can point
> me to some output plugins that have the ticker functionality.
> Thank you.
> --
> Alex
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