
I’ve been trying to do some buffering and splitting of messages in an encoder 
and I’ve run in a following issue.

Looks like calling inject_payload() several times in a single run of encoder’s 
process_message() doesn’t work and only the last message is injected.
Is it so?

If yes, any ideas how can I solve the following task?
* I have incoming messages consisting of up to several hundreds of custom fields
* I’m encoding the fields into JSON array like [{“metric": “foobar.count", 
"value": 1000}, {“metric": “bazqux.rate”, “value”: 10}]  and sending them out 
via HTTP to a different service 
* I’d like to keep outgoing HTTP messages relatively small (no more than a few 
dozens of fields) and for that reason I’m going to split messages with too many 
fields into several smaller ones

For that I was going to do the splitting inside encoder attached to HTTPOutput 
and calling inject_payload() several times but it seems that only the last 
message is sent out.
I’ve tried setting max_process_inject = 1000 in [hekad] config section but this 
didn’t help either.

I could try using a filter to split messages and reinject them back to Heka 
(haven’t tested yet if it is going to work in this scenario) but this looks 
like a bit overweight to me.

Any other ideas how to handle the task?

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