Hi Eli,

A bit offtopic: when you need to offload messages to API make sure you can
dump the whole message in a single run:
output encoders don't support sending out several messages from a single
heka message (only filters and decoders can do that).


On Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 3:42 AM, Eli Flesher <efles...@lyft.com> wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> I’m using Heka to ingest logs from a large cluster of boxes and then move
> them off to an API. I have a working prototype, but right now I’m using the
> LogStreamer and default TokenSplitter to create a message per log line.
> This is not optimal, given that it creates a large number of messages and
> thus API calls on the support system.
> I’d like to buffer up to 1MB of log data and create messages in 1MB
> chunks. Reading over the Extending heka documentation, it seems that this
> could be done with either a Splitter plugin or a Filter plugin.
> The ides of the splitter would be similar to the TokenSplitter. It would
> check to see if the byte slice of data passed in is over the buffer size
> and select a buffer’s worth for a message from the slice and ‘read’ that
> much. It would otherwise indicated 0 bytes read as the TokenSplitter does.
> I’m wondering if I would need to tweak any of the global configuration
> options to make this work (e.g. max_message_loop, plugin_chansize or
> max_message_size).
> Alternatively, I’m thinking of implementing a filter that collects these
> messages in a buffer and flushes the buffer when the desired size is
> reached. The problem with this is I’ll have multiple log streams and I
> wouldn’t want to cross the streams. Also, as much as possible, I’d like to
> preserve the order of lines within a single chunk (messages themselves are
> encoded with a timestamp for later reassembly).
> Thoughts on either approach?
> Thanks,
> Eli
> --
> —
> *Elijah Flesher*  |  *Lyft* <http://lyft.me/>  |  *Software Engineer*
> 206.661.4697  |  @eliflesher
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