2016-09-06 22:03 GMT+02:00 Mike Gibson <michael.gibso...@gmail.com>:
> Hello existing Heka users.


> I'm aware of the "DEPRECATED" status of the project but I'm still not
> prepared to abandon using Heka just yet.

I'm still using it too, but plan to migrate to hindsight.

What features are missing for you? (for me: LogStreamerInput)

> I just can't seem to find another tool out there with the equivalent number
> of I/O plugins, performance(hasn't been an issue for my scale) and
> flexibility.
> In the absence of something comparable to take its place, I'll continue
> using Heka.
> So for those of us who have trouble letting go, I've made a few new external
> plugins that may or may not be useful if anyone is interested:
> CMFilter -  A Filter Plugin that processes messages containing TOML
> configurations in their payload, executes an "Action" based on the set field
> value which adds/removes/returns configurations for Input Plugins within the
> currently running Heka agent.
> Currently supports managing Inputs for the following *DirectoryInputs:
> ProcessDirectoryInput
> LogstreamerDirectoryInput - New
> HttpDirectoryInput - New
> FilePollingDirectoryInput - New
> Others:
> StreamAggregatorFilter/StreamSplitterDecoder - Provides bulk/batching of
> Payloads and splitting of previously batched Payloads.
> ZlibDecoder/ZlibEncoder - Provides compression/decompression of message
> payloads

Can you add those to


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