At 01:10 -0500 2005/03/11, Alfonso Urdaneta wrote:
>> No, there is no such Bison design doc's: Only reading the Bison source code
>> itself. (Apart from that somebody wrote something in Spanish, I think.)
>link ?

It was a Spanish fellow "CJ" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, writing a thesis on his
tutor's DR algorithm; see the Bug-Bison list around 2001-2002. For example:

At 23:50 +0100 2001/06/17, CJ wrote:
> I have allocated the tesis in ps format in this  location FTP:  host password: chinijo the file is

Perhaps Akim Demaille knows more about this, and what the stuff in Spanish
is located. It might be interesting to produce some draft in English, and
then make a description of Bison internals, as the question pos up every
know and then.

I also found this:

At 21:19 +0000 2002/09/11 in Help-Bison, Carlos Javier Borges Villalba
Subject: Re: if you can speak spanish you wil be lucky
>In this url
>there is a document where you  can find information about Bison, how its
>construct the LALR automaton, how it solve conflicts.......... is in
>spanish. It is not right version, next week it will be available. Sometimes
>the url is wrong but try it later there is the document.
>I hope it will be useful. And if you have suggest you can email me. Surely I
>will put the source latex in that url.

  Hans Aberg


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