Please continue to cc the Help-Bison list, so that more can help.

Often one is using a program like Flex to generate a lexer, a program that tokenizes the input. Then the Bison generated parser gets token number to parse. This kind of setup is described, for example, in the book by Aho, Sethi & Ullman, "Compilers..." (the "Dragon Book").

At 10:12 +0530 2005/03/22, Atul Kulkarni wrote:
Read your reply on the Bison mailing list, but failed to under stand
your point. Can you please explain?


On Mon, 21 Mar 2005 19:18:28 +0100, Hans Aberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 In addition, note that most wold put this stuff in the lexer
 (generated say by Flex).

 At 14:55 +0530 2005/03/21, Atul Kulkarni wrote:
 >Hi All,
 >I am facing problem in defining the following grammar for Bison.
 >X -> letter { letter | digit }.
 >  here letter and digit are terminals and X is the non terminal symbol.
 >I am not able to put this rule in the bison grammar form hence need
 >some advice on this.
 >in particular I am not able to express the
 >letter AND {letter OR digit } rule in the Bison grammar.
 >how do I put the OR part of the rule inconsideration of the fact that
 >that scentence has to start with the "letter" and later have any
 >number of of digit?


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