At 11:43 +0200 2005/04/20, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I have a very old BISON version of year 1995 for VMS operating system. I need a new version, so I downloaded the software version 2.0. But I could not buld them on VMS, because the configure files etc. ware written for UNIX.
Now I wand to know if you have a new BISON binary file for VMS, so that I can download it directly. If you do not have it, I hope I can get information about building BISON on VMS in greater detail, e.g. available configue files etc for VMS. Could you help me? Thank you very much in advance.

By definition, GNU only supports POSIX, and all else are extra. If you are willing, or find someone willing, to make a VMS install, you might get help at the Bug-Bison list.
Hans Aberg


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