Thanks Tim. At first sight, this fix should be exactly what I need; however, in my case, it doesn't work... :(

The problem is that COBOL has a real keyword - FUNCTION - to 'lock on' to. So, in your production:

: { recognize_function_names = true; } FUNCTION valid_function

the lexer can recognise FUNCTION, independently of context. The problem is, in my input, there aren't *any* context-independent keywords (not in this case, anyway). This is equivalent to the COBOL problem where FUNCTION is optional. The grammar looks like this:

program : function_list ;

 : /* nothing */
 | function_list function ;

function : { recognise_function_names = true; }
  valid_function '{' function_body '}' ;

valid_function : FOO | BAR ;

The only way that I know a new function is coming up is that an existing function has just completed: there's no convenient keyword to give me warning. [If my grammar really was this simple, then I could probably use another token to recognise the end of a function, but the real input is pretty complex].

Any ideas? It seems to me that I need an 'unget' implementation.

Thanks -



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