On 16 Sep 2005, at 19:14, Frans Englich wrote:

I have a problem involving bison although a solution may not directly mean modifying the bison grammar. Nevertheless, someone might be able to spot a

From my actions I call factory functions which returns instances I assign to the actions($$), in order to build an AST tree. I write in C++, and recently converted all code to return/take shared pointers to objects, instead of raw

When it came to converting the Bison grammar, I of course ran into the problem that the union can't house class objects(such as shared_ptr instances), but
only primitive types.

There are two ways to solve this problem. One is to store a common pointer a pointer of type void* in the union. You are then essentially doing C-programming, and must do cleanup by hand in the actions, and using %destructor.

The other way is to make of the C++ language features. One is then making a C++ polymorphic (virtual) class hierarchy, which is stored in the semantic type. One cannot then use %union, so wither one does not use it, and uses dynamic_cast, or one hopes for Bison to be augmented so that one still use the Bison static type system. I use the first one using my own C++ skeleton file and a Bison tweak, and I know, more or less, how to do the second one.

There is some C++ support in Bison, but I do not know how it works; Akim Demaille is responsible for that.

  Hans Aberg

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