I am trying to implement a grammar that may have 0 or more of a construct.
Effectively I want to have a grammar like this:

    ( Module )*

I've looked through the manual and it appears bison does not support this
construct, I was trying to replicate it.  I've tried two ways:

    Module File


    File File
    | Module

The problem with the first approach is that it just selects the epsilon
production on a file that has a module in it (it never selects the first

The problem with the second approach is that it can't handle more than one
Module in a row.  It just loops until there is a stack overflow (I get a
warning about the first production of that rule).

What am I doing wrong?

(I should mention that this is my first heavily expanded use of Bison.  I
was using ANTLR, but I didn't like the library dependencies, so I moved to
Bison.  ANTLR does support the ( Module )* construct so this was never an


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