On Thu, Dec 15, 2005 at 12:16:07AM +0100, Michael Brandt wrote:
> On 14/12/05, Bob Rossi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Does bison currently support "inverted flow-of-control"? Do you
> > recommend another package for this? Could I come up with some patches
> > to modify bison to act this way?
> Hi,
> The lemon parser generator uses "inverted flow-of-control", the
> user/lexer calls the parser for each input token.
> See http://www.hwaci.com/sw/lemon/

Wow, OK, Thanks! Do you know where I would find a lexer to replace flex
that can do the same?

I'm assuming it's impossible to change bison to act like this, short of
changing the entire generated parser to not be recursive descent. Is
that true?

Bob Rossi

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