This is one of the most FAQ here: you do not copy the string, so you just pass on a pointer to the buffer in the Flex generated lexer, which of course changes in subsequent calls to the lexer.

Ahh, ok. So I could change this behaviour if I would copy the string to a 
buffer in flex like this:

{WORD}         { strcpy( yylval.str, yytext); return WORD; }

Is this right ?


On 18 Apr 2006, at 09:34, Arno Wilhelm wrote:


just have started to write my first parser with flex and bison
and have run in a problem I cannot understand or solve myself.
So I would be really glad if somebody on this list would help me a bit
since I think the problem is caused by my limited understanding of the internals of bison.

The problem is that whenever I pass a number token from flex to bison in order to process it the values of the variables $1 and $3 are different from the ones passed by a similar string token.

For example:

# The number token is: "3 == 3"

The rule in flex is:

NUMBER        -?(([0-9]+)|([0-9]*\.[0-9]+))
EQUAL         ==


{NUMBER} { yylval.num = atof(yytext); return NUMBER; }
{EQUAL}         { return EQUAL; }

In bison:

num_expr: NUMBER EQUAL NUMBER { printf("EQUAL: 1: %f | 3: %f\n", $1, $3); $$ = $1 == $3; }

# The string token is: "aa == bb"

The rule in flex is:

WORD          ([a-zA-Z]+)([0-9]*)|([0-9]+)([a-zA-Z]+)
EQUAL         ==


{EQUAL}         { return EQUAL; }
{WORD}         { yylval.str = yytext; return WORD; }

In bison:

str_expr: WORD EQUAL WORD { printf( "EQUAL: 1: \"%s\" | 3: \"%s \"\n", $1,$3 ); sprintf( $$, "%i", strcmp( $1, $3 ) ); }

Whenever I pass a number the variable $1 is filled with the first NUMBER (in this case 3) and the variable $3 is filled with the second NUMBER (also 3) in bison as I expected But when I pass the string token "aa == bb" the variable $1 is filled with the *whole token* itself (in this case "aa == bb") and not with the first WORD which would be "aa". The variable $3 is filled with the second WORD (which is "bb") as expected.
Has anybody got a clue what happens here ?

Thanks in advance,


P.S.: I use bison 1.875c and flex 2.5.4 on Fedora Core release 3



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