I am a newbie trying to use Bison 2.1 to help build a C++ ast tree
structure. So before that, when i wanted to try Bison out, i checked the
section 10.1 "A Complete C++ example" as given in the
http://www.gnu.org/software/bison/manual/html_mono/bison.html, I get a lot
of compilation errors (unknown cin, cout, undeclared yyin, yyrestart, cerr,
etc) when doing
>g++ -c lex.yy.cc

For all other files, [calc++-driver.cc, calc++-parser.tab.cc (generated by
bison 2.1) and  calc++.c]  the g++ -c option was successful.
Can you please let me know the order in which i should compile these files
and the exact commands i should use to compile and execute the c++
calculator? It will also be helpful if you could point to a web-page where a
C++ ast object has been built using bison.

Thanks and regards,
Anuradha S
Help-bison@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/help-bison

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