Tim Van Holder wrote:
> Guillaume Rousse wrote:
>> Which is really not meaningful for user :/ I'd prefer to at least
>> display current line, and avoid refering to internal grammar symbols.
> Part 2 - not referring to internal grammar symbols: use string aliases
> for your tokens, like so:
> %token <sometype> MY_IDENTIFIER "identifier"
> %token <sometype> MY_FUNC_ABS   "abs()"
> The verbose error reporting will use those friendlier names, and you can
> use them in your grammar too, if you like:
> delete_statement : "DELETE" "identifier" "FROM" table_name "." ;
OK, thanks for the tip. It helped me realized I could also use litteral
character tokens in the grammar too.

> Part 1: showing the current line
> There's two ways, really:
> - if you always read from a file, and know the file name, you could
>   open the file, skip (yylineno - 1) lines, read a line and show it.
>   This is suboptimal and only possible in rare cases (usually you don't
>   know what you're reading from), but doesn't require any scanner
>   changes.
Unfortunatly, messages are read from streams, not files.

> - start flex in a special state (say, BUFFER_LINE), in which an entire
>   line is matched.  Save yytext in your parser context.  Then put the
>   entire line back and switch to the INITIAL state.  All that then
>   remains is to switch to the BUFFER_LINE state when you scan a newline.
>   (Even cleaner would be to enable a state stack in flex, and push the
>   BUFFER_LINE at the start of a file and when a newline is seen; that
>   way it doesn't interfere with any other states you might be using).
> Example (consider this pseudo-code; it's a heavily stripped and
> C++-to-C-ified version of one of my own scanners, and I may have
> stripped too much):
> % // start of flex rules
>   {
>     if (context.line == 0) { // Fresh file - set up the initial state
>       context->line = context->column = 1;
>       yy_push_state(BUFFER_LINE);
>     }
>   }
> <BUFFER_LINE>^[^\r\n]*/{EOL}? { // Get & save entire line
>   context->current_line = strdup (yytext);
>   yy_pop_state ();
>   yyless (0);
>   yy_set_bol ();
> }
> <*>{EOL} {
>   context->column = 1;
>   ++context->line;
>   yy_push_state(BUFFER_LINE);
> }
> %
> void
> yyerror(parser_context_t* context, const char* message)
> {
>   ++context->parse_errors;
>   if (yytext[0] == '\0')
>     complain(context->line, context->column - yyleng,
>              format(_("%s at empty token"), message));
>   else
>     complain(context->line, context->column - yyleng,
>              format(_("%s at token `%s'"), message,
>                    ((yytext[0] == '\n') ? _("[end-of-line]") :
>                     yytext)));
>   maybe_show_context_line(context);
> }
> Note that context is a structure that's set up as a lex & parse
> parameter (to avoid global variables).
> maybe_show_context_line() only prints something if current_line is set,
> and adds markers based on the column number and yyleng.
I understand the idea. Unfortunatly, line-based scanning is made
impossible by the fact that I have binary blobs embedded in text
streams, that may interfer with line delimiters :/ I'll have to keep
with standard bison error messages here.
Guillaume Rousse
Projet Estime, INRIA
Domaine de Voluceau
Rocquencourt - B.P. 105
78153 Le Chesnay Cedex - France

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