>A LR(1) parser or parser generator? - The latter is
>described in books like the one by Aho, et al.
>"Compilers..." ("The Dragon Book"). You may also 
>want to consult the Usenet newsgroup comp.compilers, 
>and its FAQ published there monthly. Bison uses 
>LALR(1), and its manual gives examples of simple
>calculators, also described in the before- 
>mentioned book

>  Hans Aberg


Yes, I've been reading that book, but as the rest of
them, I just find it so difficult to implement in
practice, even when I've just got left the tables plus
some modifications within my functions and stack

What I'm looking for is a parser, or as I understand
it, a way in which I can define new keywords whilst
being able to process them as well as any arguments it
may take. 

What I meant was to make some sort of appl. that
output s just the parser's tables, in terms of being
able to make the language grow. As I understand it,
the functions would be the same, and to make the
tables by hand would be quite difficult as the
language grows.

Before leaving the last week, I got to read a bit
about perfect hashing, and now I'm now even more
confused. It did make sense, as I might need some sort
of mechanism that allows me to map language's keywords
to memory addresses, which is where the functions that
will processing them live. 

Can you tell me if appart from the parser I might need
perfect hashing or anyother algorithm to make this

As you've sugessted I'm gonna stick to those monthly
comp.compilers faqs. I hope I can find there some
minimal example, "explanations for useless", or some
lr* table or parser that finally pushes me onto
putting all the pieces together. 

To stick to bison or yacc a bit in order to see
whether I'd be able to translate a minimal example to
assembler would be also a good idea, so I'll be
looking to those examples you point out as well. 

Thanks so much for the pointers. 

Kind Regards,

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