On 19 Aug 2006, at 00:35, Satya wrote:

I was reading the original paper about Bison - "Static Semantics and
Compiler Error Recovery" by Robert Paul Corbett, and it says Bison's table organization is based on a technique proposed by Ziegler and described in
Tarjan and Yao in [TY78] ("Storing a Sparse Table");

My question is this: does Bison still follow that scheme? I wouldn't want to dive into this paper ([TY78]) if you have changed the compression scheme
during the course of Bison development history.

Earlier versions of Bison, before the days of M4, used to have a skeleton file called bison.hairy, which derived from Robert Corbett's thesis. It fell out of use, unsupported, and nobody could get it running. After suggestions from himself, it was removed.

Also, is there is a simpler explanation of the rationale behind the tables being organized in that way (specific to Bison)? I'd want to read about
that. Thanks!!

According to him, this stuff was dead. But the study of error recovery techniques continues at Berkley by Susan L. Graham.

You might search the Bison mail list archives for "Corbett" to see this discussion.

  Hans Aberg

help-bison@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/help-bison

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