Le 21 août 06 à 20:42, Joel E. Denny a écrit :

On Sun, 20 Aug 2006, Frans Englich wrote:

Any chance that %defines can be changed to also allow the name to be
explicitly specified?

I'm not sure why %defines and -d and are different from --defines, -o,
--output, and %output. Reading the -d and --defines documentation makes
it seem intentional.  Since Paul and Akim know the history, I think
they're probably best equipped to address this one.

I can't think of a good reason today :)  I'm definitely in favor
of supporting %defines "foo.h".  I don't know why there is a =
used for %output, it doesn't seem right to me, let's support
it in the place we used to accept it, but deprecate it.

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