
I created a parser using Bison v 2.1 calling a scanner written using Flex v
The problem is that my parser is used for two purposes:

1- Parse to identify file format (only first line).
2- Parse to generate intermediate files from that file.

I have no problem with (1). However when the parser is called again (2) to
parse the same file, I got a syntax error. I read Bison doc and I deduced
that is a known problem ($ 11.2 How Can I Reset the Parser).

Below is a part of my parser code:
%parse-param {int xIdentification}
%start S

S       :       /* empty */
        |       S Tag

Tag     :       {
                        if ( xIdentification == 0 )
                        {       if ( xIdentification == 1 )
                                        if ( strcmp ( $2, "<ID_TAG>" ) == 0

                        Id_Tag SLASH_ID_TAG

My question is: how can I reset the scanner input buffer from the parser
before calling YYACCEPT.

Best regards,
help-bison@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/help-bison

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