I think it would be good to include something like that in the Bison
distribution, because from time to time, there have requests for in
the Bison lists. Then, the best answer so far has been the RTFC by
Akim Demaille. :-)

yes, I have seen those replies on the archives :) so, hopefully now
the reply can change to RTFD (as in Document) :)

it would be nice if someone can validate my work... my article is
based on what I understood by doing an RTFC :)

The parser used in LR is evidently called "push-down" automaton. See
the book by Waite & Goos, "Compiler Construction". Dick Grune has
also written a parsing book free online; I think it is mentioned in
the comp.compilers FAQ.

Yes, that is tre . The LR parser is a PDA (an automaton that can
recognize a CFG). Do you mean I should mention that in my document?


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