On 10/11/06, Tim Van Holder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

s88 wrote:
> Hi all:
>   I'm confused with the bison and malloc right now...
> I'm using the Bison 2.0 on Ubuntu(Linux) 6.06, and everytime when I use
> the malloc(actually is strdup) in the production rules. It will cause an
> unpredictable
> segmentation fault. The stack size on my system is set unlimited.
> Every time after using the dynamic allocate memory, I'll free the memory
> myself.
> What cause this fault, and how to fix it?
> Any idea?
> Thankx!!!!!
> Dave.

The most likely cause would be that you're free()ing twice.
But without a little bit of code to illustrate what you're doing, it's
very hard to diagnose a crash bug.

well..thank U all first!!
Let me show my code here...
I want to parse the sequence such likes X1,X2,{Y1,X4,Z5}
BTW, I'm using the GTK library to malloc and free, but I'm sure the question
is not on the GTK.

arguements : arguement{
       $$ = $1;
}| arguements ',' arguement{
       GList *_l = g_list_concat($1,$3);
       $$ = _l;

arguement:'{' arguements '}' {
       $$ = $2;
}|'[' arguements ']' {
       $$ = $2;
       $$ = create_arglist($1);
       $$ = create_arglist($1);

#include <gtk/gtk.h>
GList* create_arglist(const gchar* str){
       GList* _list = NULL;
       gchar* _str  = g_strdup(str);
       _list = g_list_append(_list,_str);
       return _list;

void arglist_free(GList* list){
       GList *_cur = list;
       GList *_next;
       while(_cur !=NULL){
               _next = _cur->next;
               _cur = _next;

System  on Chip Design  Lab.
Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering,
National Chung Cheng University
help-bison@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/help-bison

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