On Wed, Oct 11, 2006 at 10:24:40PM +0200, Hans Aberg wrote:
On 11 Oct 2006, at 22:20, Bob Rossi wrote:

Now when I run my push parser out of CVS I get this:

$ bison -S push.c -l gdbmi_grammar.y
/usr/bin/m4: /home/bob/cvs/bison/bison/bison/../prefixdir/share/
bison/bison.m4: No such file or directory


[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/download/gdbmi
$ ls /home/bob/cvs/bison/bison/bison/../prefixdir/share/bison/
c.m4    glr.c   lalr1.cc     m4sugar  README
c++.m4  glr.cc  location.cc  push.c   yacc.c

Have I done something wrong? or was something recently broken in CVS?

You must make sure M4 is installed - Bison uses it for generating files.

OK, I didn't uninstall it, and I've been doing this all along. Something
else must have gone wrong?

$ which m4

Bob Rossi

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