On 27 Oct 2006, at 17:59, Joerg Hoffmann wrote:

how do I get my bison/flex parser to parse bigger files? Is there some way to control maximal sizes, e.g. the maximal number of items parsed into a list, or so?

I'm using Bison 1.875 and flex 2.5.4. with newer versions of bison, my parser does not compile. The file I want to parse is not exaggeratedly long, only just over 1000 lines. A few years ago, I did manage to configure the parser and/or the bison, on some other computer, to parse much bigger files in the order of many MBytes. So I know this is possible in principle. I have compared the two parsers (their .y source code) and cannot see a discernible difference that could account for the ability to parse larger files. Does the particular Linux version used have any influence on this?

I don't know if this is of any help, but I attach the two .y files just in case. Note that the two parsers differ in various details of what exactly is parsed, so I can't try out what happens if I replace them,

I compiled the first of them in Bison 2.3a (using --verbose to get the '.output' file), and just got a shift/reduce conflict in state 116. You may try to remove it by setting token precedences (%left etc.) on the token before and after the '-' in the conflicting rules, i.e., NOT_TOK, CLOSE_PAREN.

state 116

56 literal_term: OPEN_PAREN NOT_TOK atomic_formula_term . CLOSE_PAREN
   57             | atomic_formula_term .

    CLOSE_PAREN  shift, and go to state 136

    CLOSE_PAREN  [reduce using rule 57 (literal_term)]

  Hans Aberg

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