On Wed, 8 Nov 2006 13:27:49 +0100, Hans Aberg wrote
> On 8 Nov 2006, at 04:31, Alfonso Urdaneta wrote:
> > Eclipse is the new xemacs, it can be used to edit pretty much  
> > anything.  It is however, written in Java.
> What do you mean by that?
>    http://www.eclipse.org/
>    http://directory.fsf.org/eclipse.html
> The latter says:
>    A Java-based integrated development environment (IDE) and 
> platform  for   rich client applications originally created by IBM. 
> It does not say a "emacs replacement"; and I think emacs can be  
> dually compiled, to give what you call "xemacs" (though it does not  
> compile on Mac OS X.4.8).

I meant in the sense that like emacs/xemacs, Eclipse is now the editor that
can be used to edit pretty much anything.

alfonso e. urdaneta
www.red82.com - are you ready ?

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