Not going into the stuff you are doing (as I use a C++ semantic type, doing the cleanup via the language :-)), the %destructor is not output language related, but merely invokes some code when the parser stack unwinds during error recovery. So if you use a pointer type, I gather %destructor should be as usable both when using the C and C++ parsers. The C-parser does not support compiled under C (though in earlier version of Bison, it may have compiled that way), so better use the C++ parser when using C++.

  Hans Aberg

On 17 Jan 2007, at 05:10, David Fang wrote:

Pick down some later version of Bison (2.3+); then, if you use the C
parser, there is a %destructor command, that can be used to handle
clean-up during error recovery. Another way is to use a C++ parser,
and a semantic type that does cleanup via the C++ language, but one
cannot then use %union.

   Hans Aberg

        One of these days I'll sit down an use the new %destructor feature
in bison, but FWIW, it IS *possible* to to clean-up of the parser stack in C++, using only the C skeleton, and while using a union of various pointer types. It involves deducing the union type based on the state numbers and transitions on the parser stack. I described the recipe for doing this in
an old thread.

Yeah, it might be disgusting, but it was educational.  :)

I verified that no symbol objects were leaked in the event of parse errors by defining class-overloaded operator new/delete (for all pointee types in
the union) to use pool-allocators and asserting that the pools were
'clean' upon global static destruction.  This method works with
traditional yacc, byacc, and all released versions of bison from 1.35 to
2.3 (present).



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