On 13 Feb 2007, at 14:32, Frans Englich wrote:

I have a design problem that I don't know how to solve, so any pointer would
be highly appreciated!

The problem is that is that in a parser for pseudo-XML, ...

If it is a known problem, perhaps you might check the USenet newsgroup comp.compilers, or some XML list.

I need to delay the
lookup of certain names, to after all namespace declarations has been parsed.
Here's an example:

<e attribute="{p:herePrefixPisUsed}"

As can be seen, "xmlns:p" appears after "p:herePrefixPisUsed".

The problem is that the parser operates sequentially, and attempts to resolve "p" inside "p:herePrefixPisUsed", but since "xmlns:p" hasn't been encountered
yet, it doesn't know about it, and hence fails.

Unless you can save "{p:herePrefixPisUsed}", and resolve in the actions, when he 'xmlns:p=', I think you will have a hard parsing problem. You might cause delays in the parsing by the use of %glr, and letting the grammar be ambiguous until being resolved.

  Hans Aberg

help-bison@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/help-bison

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