I try to make a syntactic recognizer. In the language can be included
also comments of the type " # <comment> ".
I have made two files: prova.lex and prova.y for flex and bison.
A comment consists of a list (also empty) of identifier.
But I get always syntax errors.
We enclose the files prova.lex, prova.y, a file for the compilation
(compila) and an input file (prova.E) 
Thank you.

Stefano Simonucci

GNU/Linux User: #81790  http://counter.li.org

#include <string.h>


delim [ \t\n]

ws {delim}+

letter  [A-Za-z]

digit [0-9]

id {letter}({letter}|{digit})*

num {digit}+|{digit}+\.{digit}*|{digit}+\.{digit}*{digit}*e\-{digit}+


{ws} { printf("\n"); return '\n'; }

{id}  { strcpy(yylval.lexeme, yytext);
        printf("%s ",yytext);

        return ID;


{num} { strcpy(yylval.lexeme, yytext);

        return NUM;


"+"   return '+';

"-"   return '-';

"*"   return '*';

"/"   return '/';

"("   return '(';

")"   return ')';

","   return ',';

"="   return '=';

"#"   { printf("#"); return '#'; }

#include <stdio.h>



{ char lexeme[100+1]; }

%token <lexeme> ID

%token <lexeme> NUM

%left '+' '-'

%left '*' '/'


%start init

%type <lexeme> term

init : /* empty */

     | init line 

line : '\n' 

     | '#' comment '\n' 


comment : /* empty line */

        | comment term 

term  :  ID {sprintf($$,"%s",$1); }   

      |  NUM   {sprintf($$,"%s",$1); }   



#include "lex.yy.c"

int main()


  return yyparse();


Attachment: compila
Description: application/shellscript

typefunction fespace(reticolo Q)
   double A(Q.Nx,Q.Ny); symbol R=Q;
reticolo Q;

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