Hans Aberg schreef:
example 1: be able to

Identifier Beginner Instances Advised user action ---------- -------- --------- -------------------
to be able to         Yes         be able to           (weak definition)
From the description above, it looks as though the program suggests that is a beginner error.
So what does the program do?
It is used as a batch program to check English, German and Dutch texts. I use it to check the texts on my websites (after removing HTML tags with a sed script). Style produces readability marks, and diction flags questionable phrases (on beginners level and experienced). It is of course up to the user whether he wants to change anything in his text.
  Hans Aberg

In Dutch it is easily possible to put many intermediate phrases between two words that belong to each other. In Dutch is is called a 'tang' (in English; tongs) construction. Simple example: De door de Minister van Sociale Zaken aangekondigde memo. 'De' and 'memo' belong to each other, and are separated by one phrase (bijwoordelijke bepaling). If you want people to be able to read and understand your texts this construction is considered bad writing style.

In order to come to an achievable goal I considered this to difficult to start with. So I took two examples from the current English diction phrase checks. My first level of ambition is to check a sentence for the existence of a certain phrase. And if possible I do not want to spell out every possibility all the time. As you demonstrated yourself it is easy to find new instances all the time.

If we were able to introduce the verb 'to be' with all its different instances, and reuse that all the time that would help enormously. Because now if we take another phrase with the verb to be, like 'to be capable to', the same thing starts over again. A second step could be that if a phrase consists of two sub phrases <to be><able> also the different sequence <able><to be> could be found.

Does this clarification helps? Is this goal achievable with the help of flex and bison?

Kind regards,
Hans Lodder

help-bison@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/help-bison

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