On 20 Oct 2007, at 10:09, David Fang wrote:

I meant: do you Bison-compile to generate C or C++ output.

I generate the C LALR(1) output, but compile it in C++ (using STL containers and algorithms). (I also perform some major postprocessing and automatic source-rewriting on the resulting .cc file, but that doesn't change the current problem.)

That is not supported. It might work if you use a POD in the semantic type (a must if %union is used), but the C output does support C++ copy constructors when the parser stack is reallocated.

Once upon the time, the C output had informal support for C++, but that was dropped, I think. The "if __cplusplus" suggests you have some compile for C that does not work with C++.

I'm not sure what ever happened officially. But I have been using the C lalr1 skeleton in C++ compiles for years (from v. 1.35 to 2.3, also good-old Berkeley yacc) on FreeBSD, SuSE-linux, Mac OS X, without ever having run into this problem (or other problems for that matter), until someone else reported this build-fail on ubuntu6. I've been counting on that LALR C skeleton to be rather stable, which is why I compile it instead of the C++ parser.

My impression was that the C output is still supported with C++ compilation given the success I've had with it, and seeing evidence of accommodating C++ in the resulting output. (It would be a good thing to maintain!) Since this (above) seems like an easy and safe fix, I hope that it might be adopted. I can generate the proposed patch after I get some test feedback from the reporter.

Compile C as C++ was never officially supported, but some time inofficially.

But because of problems with that, it was decided to keep C and C++ skeletons and thus parser output separate.

So for C++, use a C++ parser output.

  Hans Aberg

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