On 8 Dec 2007, at 20:20, Jack T Mudge III wrote:

[Please keep the cc to the Help-Bison list, as other may want to join in.]

As for resolving shift/reduce conflicts, one can try looking in
the .output parser description file that Bison can generate, at the
conflicting states, and their parsing position "."s. Then apply token
precedences (%left etc) to the tokens immediately and after those "."s.

It's worth a try. The only problem I see with using either left or right
association is that this seems to change according to context, e.g.

**  *some* *bold* text

where the two **s at the beginning don't have association, the third and 5th *
would have right-association, and the 4th and 6th * would have
left-association. That's where I run into a problem. Depending where the *
is, and whether a * has come before it, changes the meaning of the *.

One can push the context sensitivities into the actions. This way, one can even handle language like C++. An alternate approach is to use the GLR parser (see the manual).

As I said, i'll try the comp.comilers mailing list. I think you're right in
that they may have a suggestion or two.

Look around for some similar languages, which helps avoiding pitfalls, and may give ideas on grammar design.

I went ahead and purchased a copy of
the Dragon Book's second edition (just hasn't shipped yet....), when that arrives, I'll thumb through that before I try the mailing list. The book may
answer my question :).

Also look into the FAQ of comp.compilers, which has more suggestions - it is posted there monthly.

  Hans Aberg

help-bison@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/help-bison

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