> Thanks for the feedback. The parser really does need to refer to
> large strings, these are descriptions of very large biological
> networks with motifs that include thousands of genes, with
> potentially tens of thousands total. The parser then turns them into
> Systems Biology Markup Language (see http://range.sf.net for code).
> But I didn't know that the string could be a file, can you give me a
> pointer to some documentation for that?

I did read your follow-up message, and yes, you can use a pointer.  The
problem is, for each symbol, you will have a different pointer.  If you
don't allocate memory for it and dereference it, you will certainly get
incorrect results and probably a segmentation fault.

I can understand that the code in your actions would need to refer to long
strings, either in buffers (`char' arrays, C-style strings, C++ `strings',
or whatever), but I can't think of any reason why the semantic value of
the symbols in your grammar would need to be of any of these types.

If there is some reason, a possibility you might want to consider is to
use `FILE*' or a pointer to a file descriptor as the semantic value of
your symbols.

I strongly suspect that a better approach would be to pass an object as a
parameter to `yylex' and `yyparse' which contains pointers that reference
the files or buffers containing the strings.  This is documented in the
Bison manual and I have described ways to use it many times on this list,
if you want to have a search through.

This parameter is passed to `yylex' and `yyparse' in the form of a pointer
to `void' and must be cast to the correct type in the actions or in any
functions called in the actions.

In GNU 3DLDF, I use a type called `Scanner_Type', whereby I usually refer
to the "type" `Scanner_Node', which is simply a "typedef" for
`Scanner_Type*'.  I call the parameter `parameter'.  You can find many
examples of it's use in my sources: 

I use a `class' type, since I use C++, though I do not generate a C++
parser.  I simply generate a C parser and compile using `g++'.  If you're
using C, you could use a `struct'.  You could then use an array, a linked
list, a binary tree, or some other data structure to hold the pointers to
your character buffers, files, or whatever.

Laurence Finston

help-bison@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/help-bison

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