Bob Rossi wrote:
Thanks for the hint, it looks neat as far as I have seen yet! But I'm not yet sure how this will help me exactly; will yypush_parse return without this YYPUSHMORE whenever it encounters the start symbol (or any symbol?), so I can process it in my code and continue calling yypush_parse afterwards, with the state including all look-ahead conserved?

So basically, the idea is that you would pass in another structure to
the parsing function, and when the grammar recognized that a rule was matched from a particular token, it could set the output paramater. This
shoudl be thread safe as well.

This sounds like the way I went as above (store the semantic value, and use YYACCEPT to return from the parser; but I had problems with this approach as the YYACCEPT obviously threw away read look-ahead tokens which were missing the next time I called the parser (I did change my grammar, which was possible without much problems, so it needed no look-ahead for the start-symbol; now it works satisfyingly).

BTW, how does one bootstrap the autotools stuff for bison? Trying myself with aclocal; automake -a; autoheader; autoconf (like this) gives me errors in the resulting configure related to gl_* symbols; I suspect that autoconf is missing some m4-files or the like?

Well, I've never attempted to do it manually. I just run the script
'bootstrap'. I haven't done this in a few months, so, hopefully it's
still the same.

Thanks, I'll try it with this one.


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