On 10 Sep 2008, at 05:39, Jason Melbye wrote:
I have been reading through the Bison manual the past couple days. I really
liked the three examples, especially the last - the multifunction
calculator. Since reading that I have been wondering if there was a general way to describe a function that can take on any number of arguments in the
grammer rules?

I suppose that I could just do something like,

| FNCT '(' exp ')'   { $$ = (*($1->value.fnctptr))($3); }
| FNCT '(' exp ',' exp ')'   { $$ = (*($1->value.fnctptr))($3,$5); }
| FNCT '(' exp ',' exp ',' exp ')'   ...

I could go on like that to all for as many arguments as I wanted to / needed to. However, I would also like to create a "plug-in" system where users can create their own functions and add them to the application. Thus a avoiding
a limit on arguments would be desirable.

You need to create recursive rules. If lists are non-empty, write:

    expr {
  | expr_list "," expr {

If empty lists are admitted, simply delete the first "expr" in the above.

Then use it:
  FNCT '(' expr ')'

Some prefer not using the '...' construct. So one can write:

%token LP "("
%token RP ")"

 FNCT "(" expr ")"

In this variation, LP and RP are macro names that he lexer d
should return, and "(" and ")" are just symbols used in the grammar code to make it readable, and in parser error messages.


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