This is a pretty good idea, but I'm not sure if it's possible. For instance in the case of an if statement I modified my grammar as such:

t_IF t_LPAREN expression t_RPAREN {yyexpect_statement;} statement t_ELSE statement
| t_IF t_LPAREN expression t_RPAREN {yyexpect_statement;} statement %prec p_IF

Where yyexpect_statement is a macro I defined to set a global flag and then the lexer checks and returns an appropriate t_LCURLY for statements. The problem I'm seeing here is that the glr parser defers my mid-action rule so the lexer can't adjust in time.

On Nov 11, 2008, at 11:08 AM, Hans Aberg wrote:
On 11 Nov 2008, at 08:10, Marcel Laverdet wrote:

It's unclear here whether the child of the if statement should be an empty Block or an empty ObjectLiteral. The ECMAScript spec addresses this simply: "Note that an ExpressionStatement cannot start with an opening curly brace because that might make it ambiguous with a Block."

You might try defining two pairs of braces, one for the blocks, an one for the statements. This should disambiguate the grammar. Then set a context switch that tells the lexer which type to return; the switch is changed from the parser.



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