On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 7:11 PM, kamaraju kusumanchi
<raju.mailingli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> When trying to configure bison 2.4.1
> (http://directory.fsf.org/project/bison/) on a Solaris 2.8, the
> configuration stops with
>> ../../unZipped/bison-2.4.1/configure
> ../../unZipped/bison-2.4.1/configure: syntax error at line 23510: `}' 
> unexpected

Ok. I figured out a hack for this problem.

First set CONFIG_SHELL to /bin/ksh.

Then prefix the configure command with ksh. So it will be

ksh ../../unZipped/bison-2.4.1/configure

After that, configure proceeds without any problems.

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