On 4 Jun 2009, at 15:37, Kynn Jones wrote:

Hi. I want to write a "base parser" for JSON that can be easily customized to generate objects in any interpreted language (such as Perl or R) whose
underlying implementation is in C.
Does anyone know of any Bison parser (with a publicly
accessible source code, and preferably written in C) that attempts this sort
of pluggable polymorphic callback architecture?

You might inquiry in the Usenet newsgroup comp.compilers.

 (Yes, I definitely want to
stay with C, rather than C++.)

Bison is now quite good at C++, see

The idea is that I need a good way to plugin callbacks corresponding to the
various "parser events".  E.g. I want to be able to write rules like

%token <toktext> __INTEGER __FLOAT __STRING __BOOLEAN __NULL
%type  <THINGIE> value object array
       __INTEGER       { $$ = (CALLBACK_FOR_INTEGER)($1); }
     | __FLOAT         { $$ = (CALLBACK_FOR_FLOAT)($1); }
     | __STRING        { $$ = (CALLBACK_FOR_STRING)($1); }
     | __BOOLEAN       { $$ = (CALLBACK_FOR_BOOLEAN)($1); }
     | __NULL          { $$ = (CALLBACK_FOR_NULL)(); }
     | object
     | array

For each target language (R, Perl, Python, etc.), a different set of
callbacks would be plugged in. There are two main objstacles, as I see it.
First, the mechanics of plugging in these callbacks in a way that is
straightforward and safe. Second, the fact that the return types for all these callbacks will differ from one target language to the next, so THINGIE
would have different meanings depending on the target language.

From what I can see from <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSON> you somehow want to create these objects in other languages, right? One way might be to use the Bison generated top generate an AST. The it is not difficult to reverse that to pretty-print that AST into other languages. In that example on that page, you might parse the Object into C++ std::map. Then print out that object in other languages.


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