On Fri, 31 Jul 2009, bookman bookman wrote:

> I am a newer in bison and i have used lex and bison to implement a
> caculator. When i opened the source generated by bison, I found some arrays
> instead of shift/reduce table and goto table, but i do not know what they
> are stand for and  how they are caculated. These are the arrays that i can
> not figure out.
>    yytranslate[];
>    yyprhs[];
>    yyrhs[];
>    yyrline[];
>    yyr1[];
>    yyr2[];
>    yydefact[];
>    yydefgoto[];
>    yypact[];
>    yypgoto[];
>    yytable[];
>    yycheck[];
>    yystos[];
> Can someone help me?Thanks a lot.

In src/tables.h in the Bison distribution, you can find comments about 
these variables.  Also, one of our contributors once wrote a web page 
about them:


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