On Sat, 5 Sep 2009, Evan Carew wrote:

> For the following code, where it says "Look Here!", I've tried
> everything to get out all the enumerations. My input was [enum blah {
> one, two, three }; ] what I get back is [enum blah {one };].

> enum_specifier
>   : ENUM '{' enumerator_list '}' { /*emit("enum { %s }", $3); */}
>     | ENUM IDENTIFIER '{' enumerator_list '}' {/* Look Here!*/}
>     | ENUM IDENTIFIER { /*emit("enum %s", $2); */}
>     ;

Given the comments in the above code, I assume you've not shown us the 
actual semantic actions that produce the effect you've described, but 
they're crucial to understanding your problem.

> enumerator_list
>   : enumerator
>     | enumerator_list ',' enumerator
>     ;

What are the actual semantic actions on the above two productions?  
Default?  What effect do you think that has?

> enumerator
>     | IDENTIFIER '=' constant_expression
>     ;

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