Hey guys,

I am hoping someone has some experience here in using bison in
windows. I installed the Gnuwin32 version of Bison since this seems to
be the offical windows binaries of Bison as far as my google'ing took
me. So in my project i decided to support a mini cmake setup
specificly for working on windows without the need for cygwin and for
people to use the Generators for Xcode. Though i dont paticularly like
cmake by any means it just seems the nicest way to have a good build
system for windows. Though Autotools is my main setup. Anyways i
digress cmake annoys me lol.

But when i compile using cmake on *bsd/linux/mac it works fine, but in
windows i get this error:

1>------ Build started: Project: parser, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
1>[BISON][MyParser] Building parser with bison 2.4.1
1>m4: cannot open `Files\GnuWin32/share/bison': No such file or directory
1>m4: cannot open `C:\Program': No such file or directory
1>m4: cannot open `Files\GnuWin32/share/bison/m4sugar/m4sugar.m4': No
such file or directory

And it hangs there, m4 doesnt seem to be able to handle the <Program
Files> path. There must be a way around this hope you guys might know,
btw the file does exist m4 is just having trouble!


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