Below is some thinking I've done on the %left problem not working.  I'm
hoping that someone will see what is wrong and point it out to me so I can
get the behavior I want.  If input is a := b + c + d, Bison is adding c + d
and then adding b.  Since add is %left, it should add b + c and then d.
Thank you for all the help so far.


*input:* id assignment id addop id addop id

 *key for nt:* R = reference name, E = expression, S = statement

 *key for t:* addop is + or -, assignment is :=, id is identifier


 //shift id; can reduce to E since E : id or etc, but since lookahead is
assignment don't reduce to E or etc


 //reduce id to R since lookahead is assignment and there is a rule S : R
assignment E


//shift assignment

*R assignment*

//shift id since no reduction can be made on R assignment

*R assignment id*

//reduce id; reduction is for E addop E not ro S : R assignment E; addop is
the lookahead and has a

//a higher prec than assignment

*R assignment R*

*R assignment E*

//shift addop since it has higher prec than assignment

*R assignment E addop*

//shift id since nor reduction can be made on R assignment E addop

*R assignment E addop id*

//reduce id; though the the lookahead is addop, it is left associative and
reducing id matches rule

//E addop E

*R assignment E addop R*

*R assignment E addop E*

//shift addop; this should not occur since addop is left associative

*R assignment E addop E addop*

*R assignment E addop E addop id*

*R assignment E addop E addop R*

*R assignment E addop E addop E*

*R assignment E addop E*

*R assignment E*


 The above stack as been deduced using the following output:

 ju L0001

la L0001

add c d T0001

add b c T0002

mov b a


 Since the input was *a := b + c + d*, the first add should have been: *add
b c T0001*. The second add should have been: *add T0001 c T0002*. And the
mov should have been: *mov T0002 a*. The incorrect operands, to each
command, such as the second add command of *add b c T0002* instead of *add
T0001 c T0002* are due to assignments to $<type>$ not being sent up the
stack. However, the bigger issue is why a shift is occurring when a
reduction should occur? At least from the output, it seems that a shift is
occurring and not a reduction. The lexical analyzer is Flex generated.

Below is printf output of each production that was executed as the
translation progressed and below the printf output is the code snippets that
were executed to produce the above IR file.

const_decl -> Epsilon

ident_list -> IDENTIFIER

ident_list -> IDENTIFIER, ident_list

ident_list -> IDENTIFIER, ident_list

ident_list -> IDENTIFIER, ident_list

ident_list -> IDENTIFIER, ident_list

basic_type -> INTEGER

type -> basic_type

basic_var -> ident_list: type

var_list -> basic_var;

var_decl -> VAR var_list

proc_decl -> Epsilon

This is: a

This is the value of $<blIdentifier>$ at ref_name: V0001

ref_name -> IDENTIFIER

This is: b

This is the value of $<blIdentifier>$ at ref_name: V0002

ref_name -> IDENTIFIER

expr -> ref_name

This is: c

This is the value of $<blIdentifier>$ at ref_name: V0003

ref_name -> IDENTIFIER

expr -> ref_name

This is: d

This is the value of $<blIdentifier>$ at ref_name: V0004

ref_name -> IDENTIFIER

expr -> ref_name

$<blIdentifier>$ at ADDOP at begin is: V0004

$<blIdentifier>1 at ADDOP is: c

$<blIdentifier>3 at ADDOP is: d

$<blIdentifier>$ at ADDOP is: T0001

expr -> expr ADDOP expr

$<blIdentifier>$ at ADDOP at begin is: +

$<blIdentifier>1 at ADDOP is: b

$<blIdentifier>3 at ADDOP is: c

$<blIdentifier>$ at ADDOP is: T0002

expr -> expr ADDOP expr

$<blIdentifier>1 at := is: a

$<blIdentifier>3 at := is: b

$<blIdentifier>$ at := is: +

stmt -> ref_name := expr

stmt_seq -> stmt;

comp_stmt -> BEGIN stmt_seq END

block -> const_decl var_decl proc_decl comp_stmt

prog -> PROGRAM IDENTIFIER; block .

 Code Snippets:



char* blIdentifier;

char* blOperator;

float blRealConst;

int blIntConst;


 %token <blIdentifier> BL_IDENTIFIER


%left <blOperator> BL_RELOP

%right <blOperator> BL_ADDOP BL_OR

%left <blOperator> BL_MULOP BL_AND

%left BL_NOT



 struct symTblEntry* addressOfEntry;

addressOfEntry = findEntryInRow($<blIdentifier>1);

printf("This is: %s\n", $<blIdentifier>1);

 char varLocation[7];

 if(addressOfEntry-> entryRole == VARIABLE)

changeToString(addressOfEntry-> declarationNumber, "V", varLocation);


if(addressOfEntry-> entryRole == VALPARAMETER)

changeToString(addressOfEntry-> declarationNumber, "P", varLocation);


if(addressOfEntry-> entryRole == REFPARAMETER)

changeToString(addressOfEntry-> declarationNumber, "*P", varLocation);

 $<blIdentifier>$ = varLocation;

printf("This is the value of $<blIdentifier>$ at ref_name: %s\n",


 {printf("ref_name -> IDENTIFIER\n");}

 expr :

 expr BL_ADDOP expr {

printf("$<blIdentifier>$ at ADDOP at begin is: %s\n", $<blIdentifier>$);

 char bufferSym[4];

if(strcmp($<blOperator>2, "+") == 0)

strcpy(bufferSym, "add");


strcpy(bufferSym, "sub");

 char bufferT[6];

changeToString(++amtOfTemps, "T", bufferT);

fprintf(ptrToIrFile, "%s %s %s %s\n", bufferSym, $<blIdentifier>1,
$<blIdentifier>3, bufferT);

 $<blIdentifier>$ = bufferT;

printf("$<blIdentifier>1 at ADDOP is: %s\n", $<blIdentifier>1);

printf("$<blIdentifier>3 at ADDOP is: %s\n", $<blIdentifier>3);

printf("$<blIdentifier>$ at ADDOP is: %s\n", $<blIdentifier>$);


 {printf("expr -> expr ADDOP expr\n");}


 ref_name BL_ASSIGNMENT expr {

 fprintf(ptrToIrFile, "mov %s %s\n", $<blIdentifier>3, $<blIdentifier>1);

printf("$<blIdentifier>1 at := is: %s\n", $<blIdentifier>1);

printf("$<blIdentifier>3 at := is: %s\n", $<blIdentifier>3);

printf("$<blIdentifier>$ at := is: %s\n", $<blIdentifier>$);

amtOfTemps = 0;


{printf("stmt -> ref_name := expr\n");}

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