I put the below in my main project just to test it out so I don't have a
self contained source but the below should explain everything.

>From my understanding since '.' is more important then DOLLAR it will win.
Precedence is chosen the order nonassoc/left/right where the first seen is
least important. The conflict `VarName . '.'` VS `'$' VarName .`. So giving
the end of rule prec token it will see that its 'DOLLAR' which makes it not
give the ambiguity error. It sees '.' is a higher precedence then DOLLAR so
it will shift rather then reduce.

I think I said the above right

%nonassoc DOLLAR
%left '.'

program: mEOS main
main: | mainLoop mEOS
    | mainLoop mainElement
      '$' VarName     %prec DOLLAR    { printf("varname\n"); }
    | mainElement2
      VAR             { printf("var\n"); }
    | Token         { printf("token\n"); }

Token: '.'
VarName: VAR
    | VarName  '.' VAR

EOS:   '\n' | ';'
mEOS:       | mEOS EOS


On Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 5:46 AM, Akim Demaille <a...@lrde.epita.fr> wrote:

> Le 4 juin 2013 à 11:04, Adam Smalin <acidzombi...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> > Nevermind I figured that out
> Great!
> Please, do try to make small self-contained examples when you
> can.
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