On 16 May 2014, at 13:03, Niklas <niklas.bre...@stud.h-da.de> wrote:

> I need bison 3.0 and I downloaded the tar.gz-File from the homepage and run 
> "./configure; make; make install" just as the INSTALL-File-Instructions are 
> given. However, if I type "bison --version" into the terminal it shows this:
> "bison (GNU Bison) 2.3
> Written by Robert Corbett and Richard Stallman.

> I seriously don't get why the version is 2.3 while I clearly have 3.0 (I also 
> checked via "make check" and "make installcheck" that everything is correct) 
> and I can't find any hints (checked with google of course).

You haven’t set you environmental variable PATH, I gather: on OS X 10.9, the 
default has /usr/bin before /usr/local/bin, so you see the system installation 
/usr/bin/bison, which is 2.3, even if you make a new installation, which is 
/usr/local/bin/bison. You can check this by typing ‘which bison’.

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