> Le 29 sept. 2014 à 18:05, Kati Baker <kbake...@mix.wvu.edu> a écrit :
> All,

Hi Kati,

> Hello, I'm an undergrad CS student from West Virginia University, and I'm
> taking Compiler Construction this semester.
> In using Bison (I am using 3.0.2), I tried to run and compile an example my
> professor created in class which kept giving me this rpl_fprintf error
> about the yyerror function.
> It wasn't until my professor found this page:
> http://courses.homelinux.org/compilers/bison-lab.html
> That I was able to successfully compile and run my lex and yacc files.
> I had to include
> int yyerror(char const *message)
> {
>  fputs(message, stderr);
>  fputc('\n', stderr);
>  return 0;
> }
> right below my other C function prototypes and header files within my .y
> file to make it work. It took my professor and I a few days to figure out.
> I am running Ubuntu 13.04, lex 2.5.35, and bison 3.0.2

That's really weird: the rpl_print bug you refer to is fixed in
Bison 3.0.2's liby.  I tend to think that you were using an
implementation of liby from an older version of Bison.  You probably
installed your own Bison on your account, but did not use -L to
use this installation of Bison; as you consequence you used the
system's version.

Well, that's just a conjecture :)
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