I have a valid reduce/reduce conflict. Bison selects one rule as a default one, and it uses the rule when the conflict occurs. Unfortunately, I need another rule to be the default because it's the way I like to handle the conflict.

I've tried to change an order of rules within the body of "conflict" rule, I've tried glr parser and %dprec too, but nothing helps.

Can someone give me a hint how to deal with this? Just a note, I'd like to keep the grammar as it is as much as possible.


%token ID NUMBER

%left '+'
%right UPLUS


  : body conflict
  | conflict

  : id
  { /* sem act 1 */ }

  // preferred rule but never used
  | expr ':' expr
  { /* sem act 2 */ }


  : '+' expr %prec UPLUS
  | expr '+' expr
  | id

  : ID


Zdenek Prikryl

help-bison@gnu.org https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/help-bison

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