> On 28 Apr 2016, at 00:04, Simon Sobisch <simonsobi...@gnu.org> wrote:
> Searching a translatable string likely isn't a good idea…

It looks like the tokens aren’t translated, only the text, so it should not be 
a problem. Unless the translation produces a token.

> An own skeleton file (as part of the source tarball) looks like a big
> cannon, therefore we may go with tweaking the parser sources via
> makefile (the good part: people "normally" get the parser sources via
> this makefile and if they don't they only miss a descriptive message).

It should not be too difficult, as it now uses M4. The only problem is when the 
Bison skeleton file is updated, then you have an outdated skeleton file.

But you may develop it as a feature, and then integrate it into Bison yourself, 
or suggest it. The feature might be an option adding an extra argument to 
yyerror with a reference to the error token.

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