Hello Hans,

Thank you very much for the help.

My initial idea was to save all declarations in a list and consult this
during parsing to decide if a rule must construct the three as a type_name
or as an unknown identifier.

In this case, I think I can't use semantic predicates to solve my problem.
Actually, I am doing a C++ parser and this presents a set of ambiguities (I
am using the standard C++ grammar 14). Do you indicate any technique for
solving these ambiguities in C++ grammar using Bison? I observed that most
ambiguities happen due to type_name parsing.

Thank you in advance.

*Cleverson Ledur*
Ph.D. Student in Computer Science

GMAP - Grupo de Modelagem de Aplicações Paralelas
PUCRS - Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio grande do sul
e-mail: cleversonle...@gmail.com
website: http://gmap.pucrs.br/cleversonledur/
Skype: cleversonledur <cleverson.le...@acad.pucrs.br>


2016-05-02 16:08 GMT-03:00 Hans Åberg <haber...@telia.com>:

> > On 2 May 2016, at 19:13, Cleverson Ledur <cleversonle...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > I am using arbitrary predicates to verify semantically the previous
> > declarations and decide which rule use in Bison (GLR parser).
> >
> > My question is: Is it possible to access a value ($1,$2...) inside the
> > arbitrary predicate? Or, is it possible to access the stack to perform
> > semantic analysis?
> When the GLR parser splits, the actions are not executed until the merge,
> so that is not currently possible. It has been discussed to implement as
> well actions that are executed immediately, but that was long ago.
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